Can UX Save Lives?

Can UX Save Lives? Human factors and usability testing professionals play an integral role during medical device design and post-market operations. In order to ensure medical devices are intuitive for HCP and patient use, human factors teams must develop safety...

Exploring 5 Trends in Enterprise Labeling

Exploring 5 Trends in Enterprise Labeling Navigating and staying ahead of the curve in the labeling industry can be challenging. There are evolving technologies, regulations and trends to keep in mind. recently published a two-part article that...

What’s Next? Brexit, Medical Devices and Beyond

What’s Next? Brexit, Medical Devices and Beyond As regulatory professionals continue to adapt to EU’s Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR), another challenge that many in the medical device industry face is the reality of Brexit....

The War on Germs: How Robots are Revolutionizing Sterilization

The War on Germs How Robots are Revolutionizing Sterilization When we think of hospitals and healthcare facilities, many tend to think about how these places are havens of cleanliness and sterility. And while this is generally a fact, according to a recent CDC report...

How The VA Is Improving Cybersecurity

How The VA Is Improving Cybersecurity It’s no surprise that organizations across industries are taking measures to ensure top medical device cybersecurity for their clients, customers and products. Government entities are certainly no strangers to this process. The...

Impact of EU MDR on Notified Bodies

Impact of EU MDR on Notified Bodies Examining the Effects of EU MDR Implementation As medical device companies are beginning to transition towards the EU Medical Device Regulation standards, there is no denying that Notified Bodies are also making strides to meet the...