2nd Annual Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Execution Systems Conference: Speaker Interview

Brian DiVastabrian-2
Principal Validation Engineer

Brian will be one of the distinguished speakers at the 2nd Annual Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Execution Systems Conference. 




Why is the 2nd Annual Manufacturing Execution Systems Conference important to manufacturing teams?
It is important for members of the MES community to share best practices – without the sharing of ideas, good and bad, progress will be limited; I firmly believe the collective can accomplish more than the individual and this conference offers an opportunity for collaboration.

How has MES evolved in the last several years?
MES has become a very versatile technology for manufacturing, allowing integration across control layers and evolving from a static recording system to an active participant in the manufacturing process.

What initiatives are on the horizon at your organization in 2017?
Multi-site deployments of a core model.

Why is this conference important to you as an industry leader?
This conference offers an opportunity to network among fellow MES innovators – and for me, personally, to gather more technical knowledge relative to the various platforms out there.

If you had to describe MES in one word, what would it be?

What topics are you most excited about for the conference program this year?
Data Integrity of course! Followed closely by the discussion re: multiple site rollout.

What are the “key takeaways” for your presentation/panel discussion?
MES is a powerful tool that can be used to drive compliance with regulatory expectations for data integrity – take advantage of it!